
Thumbnail Title Description
Natal Indian Teachers Society India tour committee 1959/60

Natal Indian Teachers Association - scrapbook

STATE OF THE WORLD Emerging Trends and Concerns
Press statement by Mr JH Niemand secretary for community development
ME Lakhi LTD
DIMES - Annual Report and Statement of accounts - 1970-1984
Annual Report and Statement of accounts For 12 Months ended 30th June, 1968

I have pleasure to submit to you the Thirty-Fourth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1968......

Annual Report and Statement of accounts For 12 Months ended 30th June, 1966

It is my privilege to review once again the activities of the Society during the period 1st July,1965 to 30th June, 1966, and submit for your
adoption the 32nd Annual Report......

Annual Report and Statement of accounts For 12 Months ended 30th June, 1965
Annual Report and Statement of accounts For 12 Months ended 30th June, 1965

I have pleasure in submitting the Thirty First Annual Report and Statement of the accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1965.....

Annual Report and Audited balance sheet for 12 Months ended 30th ,Jun1\ 1964-

I welcomc you all to the 30th Annual General Meeting or the Durban Indian Municipal Employees' Society.

D.I.M.E.S - Annual report, Audited balance sheets and statement of accounts

Mr. Chairman and Fellow Members, It gives me immense pleasure to have been associated with this organisation for approximately six months and to present to you this report.

D.I.M.E.S - Annual report and statement of Acccounts - 31/12/80 - Constitution of the Durban integrated municipal employees society
DIMES - Annual Report and Statement of accounts for 12 months ended 30th June, 1978

As we complete yet another year of activities· in our particular sphere of service, it is natural that we look at our .. balance sheets" both financially and in the matters which received our attention......

Annual report and statement of Accounts 1974

This is the last time that I would be moving for the adoption of the Annual Report of our Society and this is therefore of great importance to me......

ANNUAL REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS For 12 Months ended 30th June, 1973

I have the pleasure in submitting for your adoption the 39th Annual Report of the Durban Indian Municipal Employees' Society which gives a summary.....



DIMES Annual report and financial statement For 12 Months ended 30th June, 1972

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure in submitting to you the Thirty-Eight Annual Report and Audited Financial Statement of Accounts for year ending 30th June, 1972

D.I.M.E.S - Annual report, Auditted balance sheets and statement of accounts
Statement of the National Executive Committee of the African National Congress on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the African National Congress Presented-by-President Oliver Tan100, 8th January 1987
ANC-KwaZulu/Natal: Let Us Develop Rural Communities


192 records found.