Vino Reddy

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The people of South Africa have made a clear statement that they are confident that the ANC will lead
them to the achievement of the goal of a better life for all.

Socialism today - challenges

Speech to World Social Forum - by Sitaram Yechuri

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 2. 19-25 January 2007

* Letter from the President: Viva the Cadres for Development!
* ANC 95th Anniversary: Place the branch at the centre of struggle
* Social development: No evidence that grants encourage teenage pregnancy

ANC Today Volume 8, No.2 . 18-24 January 2008

Letter from the President: The voice of the ANC must be heard
Polokwane Resolutions II: Creating decent work opportunities

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 36 . 14-20 September 2007

* Letter from the President: The spirit of Steve Biko has not died
* A fundamental revolutionary lesson: The enemy manoeuvres but it remains the enemy/ Part IV: Defeat the resurgence of the workerist tendency

Volume 8, No. 1 . 11-17 January 2008

* 52nd National Conference: The one and only ANC!
* Polokwane Resolutions I: Schools, health care and the fight against poverty

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 6. 16-22 February 2007

* Letter from the President: The Mecca Agreement - pax fiat!
* What the media says: Propaganda and reality: The truth as the first casualty of war

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 9. 9-15 March 2007

* Letter from the President: The imperative of women's emancipation
* Social values: The struggle to change the 'surplus people' mindset
* Report back: Africa unites against corruption

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 50 • 21-27 December 2007

* 52nd National Conference: We emerge from Polokwane stronger and more
* Letter from the Outgoing President: From Limpopo to 2012!
* Declaration of the 52nd National Conference: Our work is far from complete

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 44. 9-15 November 2007

* Letter from the President: South Africa - the problem of being new!
* Sudan: Speeches delivered by President Thabo Mbeki and the President of Sudan,
Omar el-Bashir, at a State Banquet in Cape Town

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 1 . 12-18 January 2007

* Letter from the President: 2006 - Somalia needs African solidarity
* What the media says - The time is ripe for better, bolder journalism

ANC Today Volume 8, No. 9, 7 - 13 March 2008

* Racism and sexism: An assault on the dignity of all our people
* Crisis in Gaza: Stop the collective punishment of the Palestinian people

ANC Today Volume 8, No. 6 . 15-21 February 2008

* Letter from the President: Our Languages matter!
* The National Schools Pledge: A commitment to uphold the Bill of Rights
* The National Schools: A common heritage of humanity

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 43. 2-8 November 2007

* Letter from the President: Oliver Tambo Remembered
* Celebrating our heritage: Ubuntu is learned, not natural or automatic, behavior

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 12. 30 March-5 April 2007

* Letter from the President: No longer must the women be invisible!
* One year of ASGISA: Strides made in removing economic constraints
* What the media says: False reports undermine credibility of media

ANC Today Volume 5, No. 31 . 5-11 August 2005

Letter from the President: Long live the spirit of John Garang!
National Women's Day: Emancipation of women a shared responsibility

ANC Today Volume 8, No. 5. 8-14 February 2008

* Letter from the President: Ndlelanhle Nyelezi!
* Polokwane Resolutions IV: A united Africa begins at home

ANC Today Volume 7, No. 3 . 26 January- 1 February 2007

* Letter from the President: Human dignity and a promise made
* Safer communities: Concerted fight against crime must be grounded in
* UN and Human Rights: Principled support for democratic change in Myanmar

ANC Today Volume 6, No. 49. 15-21 December 2006

Letter from the President: Global challenges demand multilateral
* View of the Editor: Is the Gautrain an ANC gravy train?

ANC Today Volume 8, No. 4. 1-7 February 2008

* Electricity Crisis I: Save electricity now, for our future
* Electricity Crisis II: An urgent national priority


76 records found.