
Thumbnail Title Description
Arts and Africa

This programme is a unique exchange between the artists of Sierra Leone and an English city, and the new African music which continues to take London by storm. 

Criteria in Spanish Art

Department of History of Art

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Mr. Hadebe Muzi Campbell Collections researcher,  visiting Mr. Mshololo at his home.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Campbell Collections Staff in the garden.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Campbel Collections staff in the garden.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Bronze thick bracelet.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

A bird carving from Mr. Ngcobo's collection.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

A wooden carved bird, from Mr. Ngcobo's collection.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Mr. Ngcobo holding one of his carvings in his home studio.

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Mr. Ngcobo's self portratin carving. 

Henry Mshololo Ngcobo: Carver

Mr. Mshololo at his home studio with some of his wooden carvings.

Henry Mshololo Ngcogo: Carver

Mr. Mshololo Ngcobo holiding one of his wooden carvings at his home studio.

Mr. Mshololo& Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Mr. Mshololo and his son with Killie Campbell staff.

Mr. Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Beautiful scenery at Mr. Mshololo's home place.

Mr. Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Beautiful scenery at Mr.Mshololo's  home place.

Mr. Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Beautiful scenery at Mr. Mshololo's home place.

Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Beautiful scenery at Mr. Mshololo's home place, Inanda.

Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Mr. Mshololo's home.

Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carvers

Mr. Mshololo's home.

Mshololo & Johannes Ngcobo: Carver

Mr. Johannes and Killie Campbell staff at his home.


40 records found.