Thumbnail Title Description
Articles on SAIC and other political parties in South Africa - 1978-1979
Gokool newspaper collection - 1981
Gokool Newspaper Collection 1982
A History of the African People of South Africa: From the Early Iron Age to the 1970s
Legitimacy and Statistics: A Critical Analysis of the First Tri-cameral Parliamentary Elections, August 1984

South African Labour and Develpoment Research Unit

NIC and SAIC Campaigns - 1979-1984

Newsapaper Articles

DR GM Naicker President of the SAIC

Dr GM Naicker played a key role in planning a mass civil disobedience movement. The initiative was taken by the ANC and the PAC which called on Africans to revolt against the carrying of passes.

Duma Nokwe, Manilal Gandhi and Patrick Duncan

Duma Nokwe, Manilal Gandhi and Patrick Duncan in a gathering

Mr JB Patel Member of Council of ML Sultan and SAIC 1981

Council member of M L Sultan Technikon College

Cape Town Agreement

Joint Communique issued to the press
G G Vol 64 No 15/1389
Telegram : Viceroy - New Delhi to the Governor General Dated 9-3-1929

10 records found.