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Biography: A

YACOOB AHMED AMRA is about as publicity-shy a businesman as they come. The chief executive of the Springfieldbased button manufacturing company AH Amra and Son. Mr Amra modestly dismisses his success in business as a story not worth telling.

Biographies of Various People

On Monday, Mr Mandela contacted Miss Adam's family to express bis sorrow over the death of the woman who briefed him and other senior ANC leaders before they undertook public engagements........

Mahatma Gandhi Collection (Gandhi 1913 - 1914 scrapbook)

A LETTER written by Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler in 1940 has been dug out of Government Archives in Madras, South India........

Non-Violence in the 21st Century: Challenges and Choices

The greatest challenge in promoting nonviolence is the English language and its limitations. The next is our perception, rooted for centuries, that violence is the only way we can resolve our problems......

Nonviolence & Us

Modem society is plagued by violence  at home, at work, in the streets, in schools. In fact anywhere there is, unfortunately, the distinct likelihood of violence

Become a supporter of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

What was true then is true now. In the same spirit of humility as M.K. Gandhi we express our concern for the continuation and development of our programs and the......

Indian Opinion 20/4/1956

A Glory Departed......

Grandfather Gandhi, Peace Was His Way

Fifty years ago as a ten year old boy, I was growing up on a hundred acre farm.......

Gandhi on Trusteeship: A Transforming Ethic

Godric Bader is Life President of Scott Bader Company, Wellingborough, England. He is the son of Ernest Bader, who founded Scott Bader CO. Ltd. in London in 1920. In 1951 it became on ofthefew business examples of Gandhi's Trusteeship principle in action.

Gandhi in South Africa: An Interpretation

It is surely something of a paradox to begin a series of seminars on "Lives of South African Philosophers" by discussing a historical figure who was neither South African nor, at least in the strict sense, a philosopher. But I want to argue that M. K.

M K Gandhi : Advocate of the Natal Supreme Court

Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi (1869-1948) came to South Africa in May 1893, drawn by the offer of employment in a law suit and by' 'the tempting opportunity of seeing a new country and of having new experience".  He settled in Durban in I 894 and, over the ensuing seven years, he played a significant

Gandhi miscellaneous articles

On his return journey to India, Gandh i stopped at Durban, where the local Gujarati merchants enlisted his aid to prevent the passing , as Act 25 of 1894, of a bill that sought to deprive 251 Asiatics of the parliamentary franchise.

A Man called Mahatma (Gandhi)

The saintly image put forth in book and filmmost recently in this year's Academy Award-winning epic-obscures the moral person the Mahatma
truly was: a man often troubled by contradictory and bizarre impulses who was al'so a leader of great visi6n and charismatic courage.....

The Tolstoy farm - Gandhi's experiment in cooperative commonwealth

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) attributes the success of the final phase of the satyagraha campaign in South Africa between 1908 and 1914 to the "spiritual purification and penance" afforded by the Tolstoy Farm. He devotes a considerable number of pages.......

The socio economic conditions of indentured and ex-indentured Indians and their struggle for political freedom 1860-1914
Passive Resistance - After the Indian Congress in S.A

In the calendar of events in the freedon struggle June is most certainly the most crowded and significant month......

Mrs Sushila Gandhi

Mrs Sushila Gandhi, daughterin- law of the g reat Mahatma Gandhi, spoke to Mike Stent about the recent SA Indian Council elections which, if the issues had not been so serious, would have sunk to the level of cheap comedy

Articles - Gandhi in South Africa
Gandhi in South Africa

Serious bio•raphical research on Mohandas K, Gandhi remains in, a fairly primitive condition. Louis Fischer's.........

Gandhi and Indians in South Africa

THE battle to abolish the law barring Indians from living in the Free State - an issue which became a heated one in Parliament........



1030 records found.