Book Chapters

Thumbnail Title Description
The British invasion of Zululand: some thoughts for the centenary year

It is now one hundred years since the British invaded the Zulu kingdom and the Zulu, by the
effectiveness of their resistance, brought their name so dramatically before the world.
Although the way had been prepared by travellers' accounts, and by the" intelligent Zulu"

The Anglo-Zulu War: New Perspectives - Introduction and The Origins of the Anglo-Zulu War: Problems of Interpretation
Shaka and the modern Zulu state.
Second-Hand Clothing Encounters in Zambia: Global Discourses, Western Commodities, and Local Histories
Between the English and the Boers. And the Thukela Turned Red
You are the Quiet One, 0 Great Elephant. 'You Thrust in an Evil Spear!'
Renewing the Governance of the Global Economy
Mpande kaSenzangakhona
Mary's room : a case study on becoming a consumer in Francistown, Botswana
KING DINGANE : The Zulu Monarchy Illustrated
Globalization and the making of consumers: Zambian kitchen parties
A Decision Clash: A short history of Black protest politics in South Africa, 1875-1976
A history of the African people of South Africa: From the early iron age to the 1970s
A United front against Apartheid
'Volk', Faith and Fatherland: The Security threat posed by the white right


Race relations
Reform, resistance and the end of apartheid: 1976 - 1994/The negotiations process/Apartheid in Decline
Food, Authority and Politics: Student Riots in South Africa 1945-1976
Ferment and change at the university college of Fort Hare: The events leading to the Fort Hare Transfer Act of 1959
Documentary history of Indians in South Africa


91 records found.