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The Christian Institute of Southern Africa

This is the letter from Theo Kotze to Dear friends concerning closure of the Christian Institute European office.

The Cruse Letters
The Dickinson Robinson Group Africa
The Frankel Letters
The Making of "Indianess": Indian Politics in South Africa During the 1930s and 1940s

The years 1914 to 1949 were witness to rapid and extensive change in the social and
material conditions of Indians. The transformation of the majority of lndians to an urban-based
proletariat presented them with new challenges as well as additional choices of group

The Marquard Letters
The Natal Witness - Director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research
The people shall govern and letters by Phyllis Naidoo

letter to friends and family.

The riot police and suppression of truth

This is a memorandum prepared for members of parliament about the riot police and suppression of truth.

The Secretary of the Land Tenure Act Amendment~ Committee, c/o Land Tenure Advisory Board

The Secretary of the Land Tenure Act Amendment~ Committee, c/o Land Tenure Advisory Board

The Soyinka Festival. 1994

Friends and compatriots of Prof. Wole Soyinka organised The Soyinka Festival from July 7-15, 1994 to celebrate his 60th birthday.

The Town Clerk, Areas for European Occupation only

Dear Sir,

Further to my circular letter of December 27, 1935, in which you were asked to join the Co-operative movement of influencing your Parliamentary representative to take a....

To his Lordship Bishop P J Buthelezi: Open letter on day of Consecration, October 22nd, 1972

Open letter of congratulation to Bishop P J Buthelezi on his appointment as Black Auxillary Bishop in the Catholic Church, Johannesburg. His appointment is seen by Black Catholics as a breakthrough in non-racialsim in the white dominated clergy

To the chairman and members of the Natal Indian Cane Growers Association
Tongaat Group Limited
Town Clerk's Department

I refer you to my letter to you of 7th instant in this matter and set out here under for your information copy....

Treasurer, Water, Estates,Health

Town Planning Scheme as it effect the residents of Clairwood

Our attention has been drawn to the fact that the City Council has been refusing...........

Transvaal Schools Speech Contest

R.A.M Salojee - Address

Treasury Cape town 8 June 1945

re: Housing Bill

Treatment of Indians in the Union of South Africa

United Nations General Assembly

Treatment of Indians in the Union of South Africa


5569 records found.