
Thumbnail Title Description
Lenasia Football Association - Presentation of Trophies
Speech : Lenasia Induction ceremony
Group areas representations - hearing at Grassmere primary school hall. 6p
Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Civil Rights League
Statements of receipts and payments, and Finance for the year ended 30th June 1955 of the Civil Rights League
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Civil Rights League
Reminder of the Annual General Meeting of the Civil Rights League
Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Civil Rights League
Record of Proceedings at the first Quarterly meeting(1940-1941)
Second Quarterly meeting of the Executive Committee 1939-1940

The proposal is : That the Executive Committee give consideration to an amendment of the Boroughs Ordinance in the following terms, with power at act to wit :-

Record of the first Quarterly meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association thirty-fifth year

The Mayor of Pietermaritzburg Cr. F. J. Lewis extended a welcome to the delegates on behalf of the City Council.....

Record of meeting of the sub-committee appointed to consider the question of Asiatic Penetration in Urban areas

Asiatic Penetration Question

A resume of the replies received from the various Boroughs in regard to the extent to which their areas are affected having been circulated...

Extract from the minutes of Geneal Purpose Committee

The mayor informed the Committee that he had been approached by the Minister of the Interior to permit the Town Clerk's Legal Assistant to proceed......


First Quarterly meeting of Executive Committee : 1939 - 1940

Establishment of the Native(Rural) reserves in relation to the Locality of the urban areas......

Supplementary Agenda. Items for consideration at te Executive Committee meeting

Intermixing of Europeans and Non Europeans.

The following circular letter was sent to all local Authorities on the ....

Natal Municipal Association record of meeting of the Executive Committee

Intermixing of Europeans and Non-Europeans

Cr. A.T. Allison reported on the motion brought by him before the Provincial Council in this regard

Emergency meeting of the Executive committee

In consultation with the major towns of the province the President has summoned an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee to deal with legislation coming before the Provincial Council during the next few days.

Draft Occupation Control Ordinance, 1944 and Memorandum of Draft Amendments suggested by Standing Counsel

To make provision for the licensing, regulation and control of the residential purpose of dwelling by persons of certain racial groups in boroughs.....

Preliminary Notice of July Quarterly Meeting

Town Clerks and Secretaries are respectfully reminded that the July Quarterly Meeting of the Executive Committee will take place........

Letter on the Draft Occupation Ordinance

You will be aware of the intention of the Natal Provincial Administration to introduce i the Provincial Council....


104 records found.