Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Title Description
Barbara Tyrrell: Tribal Peoples of Southern Africa

Barbara's first book.

Barbara Tyrrell: Banukile

Barbara's friend, Banukile whom she wrote the book Suspicion about. In this scen Banukile is seen at her home in a trance.

Barbara Tyrrell: Suspicion is my name

Barbara Tyrrell's second book: Suspicion.

Barbara Tyrrell: Campbell Collections

Barbara with one of the guests at Campbell Collections.

Barbara Tyrrell: Dr. Killie Campbell

Barbara Tyrrell with Dr. Killie Campbell during her exhibition at Campbell Collections.

Barbara Tyrrell: Daughter

Barbara with her daughter and dog on a fieldtrip in her caravan.

Barbara Tyrrell: Barbara in her Caravan

Barbara on a field trip in her Caravan.

Barbara Tyrrell: Young Barbara

A young Barbara sketcing a Nquthu married woman. 

Girl Guides of South Africa : Miss Gladys Niven's own


Girl Guides of South Africa : Miss Gladys Niven's own

Lanyard. Wanganella.

Zulu Dawn: Alexandra Park

Scene of British soldiers at Alexandra Park in Pietermaritzburgh.

Girl Guides of South Africa : Miss Gladys Niven's own
Zulu Dawn: Alexandra Park

Scene of British soldiers at Alexandra Park in Pietermaritzburgh. 

Marianhill Album

Zulu homestead

Girl Guides of South Africa : Miss Gladys Niven's own

Night. Wanganella.

Zulu Dawn: Alexandra Park

Scene of British souldiers at Alexandra Park in Pietermaritzburgh. 

Girl Guides of South Africa : Miss Gladys Niven's own

Games, Wanganella, 1935.

Marianhill Album

Zulu girl

Marianhill Album

Zulu warrior 

Marianhill Album

Zulu homestead


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