South Africa

Thumbnail Title Description
Nkwidu Chiyuni

Nkwidu Chiyuni - Tonga Valley - Lower Zambesi 


Mamcirha - Western Pondoland 

Makoma Maroatsetla

Makoma Maroasetla -  Lovedu Woman - Modjadje Locaation 

Motsotsang Kunene

Motsotsang Kunene - Hlubi - Nquthu - Zululand 

Magadalena Tala

Magadalena Tala - Pedi Mother - Eastern Transvaal 

Corporation of the City of Durban response to proposed Round-Table Discussion: Appointment of the Indian Affairs Advisory Sub-Committee

Further to my letter of the 13th ultimo and earlier correspondence on the above subject, I have to advise that on the recommendation of the general Purpose Committee...

Victory Blanket

Victory Blanket -  Mamathe - Basutholand 

Corporation of the City of Durban response on the Proposed Round Table Discussion

I thank you for your letter of the 12th instant herein.....

Engaged Woman - Hubi

Engaged Woman - Hlubi -  Nquthu 

Kweta Boy

Kweta Boy - Peddie

Young Girl - Kung Bushman

Young Girl - Kung Bushman - Karakuwisa S.W.A 

Young Girl - Xhosa

Xhosa - Gonubie - Ciskei

Proposed Round Table Conference

We are in receipt of your letter of the 30th July 1946

In reply to your letter of the 12th February 1946 we replied the same day stating, that we had appointed Dr.G.M. Naicker, Messrs M.D.Naldoo and A.I Meer

Mastandu Nyawuza

Mastandu Nyawuza - Young Married Woman - Western Pondoland 

Groom's Mouth Piece

Groom's Mouth Piece - Tonga -  Gwembe - Valley 

Proposed Round Table Discussion

I refer to your letter of 27th February 1946, 1n this connection. I am under the impression that, in view of the changed situation which the Asiatic Land Tenure ond Indian Representation Act, 1946...

Xhosa Youth

Xhosa Youth - Pre - Kweta School  - Kei - Valley 

Correspondence between Natal Indian Congress and the Durban Council in connection with the City Council's proposal for Round Table Discussion

As you are no doubt aware the City Council has prepared its plan for the development of the City of Durban during the post-war period and.....

Letter from Lynda to Phyllis Naidoo

It was really nice to hear from you. Piers and I have been feeling pretty isolated in Southampton, so you letter was especially welcome.

Letter from Larry and Michele to Phyllis Naidoo

Perhaps the only sad thing related to our somewhat unexpected departure is not seeing you before leaving. Your warmth, strength and great heart are so very scarce in our world.


25893 records found.