J.W. Grossert

Thumbnail Title Description
Temera painting

KCAV 2167 Tempera painting street with semi- detatched houses and double dekker bus with sign up-front. 'New Brighton' by student Ndaleni Training Collage.

Crayon drawing 'cocks fighting'

Crayon drawing of 'cocks fighting' by Wilmonth Ndlovu, 11 years old, Glencoe Bantu School. Illustrated XIV 'Education and Zulu craft', Sguter and Shooter, Pmb, 1968. Original in KCAL as 2691

Tempera paint 'Zulu man drinking beer'

Tempera paint 'Zulu man drinking beer' by student of Kilnerton Training College

Crayon drawing 'herding cattle'

Crayon drawing 'herding cattle' by Myvis Memia, 14 years old, Fannin Bantu School

Crayon drawing 'herding cattle'

Crayon drawing 'herding cattle' by Myvis Memia, 14 years old, Fannin Bantu School

Crayon drawing 'men driving cattle'

Crayon drawing 'men driving cattle' by Ethel Hlatshwayo, 10 years old, Fannin Bantu School

Tempera paint 'monkey in cattle kraal'

Tempera paint 'monkey in cattle kraal' by Ranus Madlala, Std. V Caluza School, 1951

Pencil crayon drawing of Zulu homestead

Pencil crayon drawing of Zulu homestead by Leadus Cele, Std. VI Adams Day School

Tempera pain 'Zulu homestead' by Michael Dlomo

Tempera paint 'Zulu homestead' by Michael Dlomo 24 years old of Umpumulo Training College, 1955

Tempera painting 'traditional Zulu men apportioning a slaughtered beast in cattle-kraal

Tempera painting 'traditional Zulu men apportioning a slaughtered beast in cattle-kraal' by student Ndaleni Training College.

Tempera paint 'kraal scene'

Tempera paint 'kraal scene' by Petros Gantana, 18 years old of Loram Secondary School, Std VI. original in KCAL as WCP 2694

Powder paint 'wedding dance'

Powder paint 'wedding dance' by Ambrose Twala, 14 years of Slangspruit combined school. Illustrated xvIII 'Art Education and Zulu crafts' Shuter and Shooter, 1968

Sisal fibre baskets.

Sisal fibre baskets. Our Lady of Ingwavuma School. Grossert No. 173-4

Paper mache puppets

KCAV 1689-1690 Paper mache puppets. Killnerton T-training school. No Grossert number

Ilala palm leaf basketry

Ilala palm leaf basketry. Nquthu show. 4.6.1959. Grossert No. 64

Masks paper manche

KCAV 1684 Masks paper manche. MT Arthur Traininh School? No Grossert number.

Venda Ngula baskets

Venda Ngula baskets. Sibasa  29.1.1961. Grossert, No.565

Zulu isichomo or beer-carrying basket

Zulu isixhomo or beer-carrying basket

Ilala exhibits. Eshowe show, 11.6.1959

Ilala exhibits. Eshowe show, 11.6.1959, Grossert, No. 89

Ilala palm leaf basket

Ilala palm leaf basket. (travelling basket) illus LXV1 Grossert, J.W. 'Art education and Zulu craft' Pietermaritzburg; Shuter and Shooter, 1968.vol.2.


21 records found.