
Thumbnail Title Description
"Off to the Market"

Abstract scene of a well dressed house wife outside her house, ready to go to the market.

"Distraught Robinson"

Abstract scene of Robinson distraught after loosing his place in the Minstrel Overture.

"A Throne"

Abstract scene of a kings's throne in the palace.

"Ye Aldershot Ghost?"

Abstract scene of a very terrified man seeing the Aldershot ghost.

"The Mesiah"

Portrait of the Mesiah or Prophet dressed in a white robe.

"A Peacock"

Abstract scene of  peacock.

"Happy Home"

Abstract scene of a happy home.

"Smoking Pipe"

Abstract scene of a man smoking a big pipe.

A Sheriff

Abstract scene of a Sherrif holding official documents.

"In my Father's Boots"

Abstract scene of a small boy personifying his Father.

"Chasing Pinochio"

Abstract scene of a whitch chasing Pinochio.

"Ye good old times"

Abstract scene of a young soldier reminiscing about the good old days.

"An Acrobat"

Abstract scene of an Acrobat performing at a circus show.

"A Kind Mother"

An abstract scene of a a mother returning home from the shops.

"Tria jinerlo in uno"

Abstract scene of three pirates quarellig on a small boat.

"A Veteran"

Abstract scene of a Veteran wearing his army uniform.

"A Dwarf"

Abstract scene of a Circus Dwarf.

"A Knight in the rain"

Abstract scene of a Knight holding an umbrella for rain.

"An Acrobat"

Abstract scene of an Acrobat performing during a circus show.

"A Choir Master"

Abstract scene of a Native Choir Master on stage.


356 records found.