
Thumbnail Title Description
Indenture Conditions (Indian Patriot, April 1909)

Indian Patriot

Girmitya tales : an odyssey

The British settlers’ (c1840s) saw sugar as a viable export commodity but there was a serious shortage of labour. The fate of the colony “hangs on a thread, the thread is labour (Natal Mercury, April 1859).

TURBANS AND TOP HATS Indian Interpreters in the Colony of Natal, 1880-1910

This dissertation is concerned with an historical examination of Indian Interpreters in the British Colony of Natal during the period, 1880 to 1910.

Apartheid Laws (1948-1994)

Apartheid Legislation in South Africa
Starting in 1948, the Nationalist Government in South
Africa enacted laws to define and enforce segregation.

Letter on behalf of Russel Maphanga from A.N.Verwer

Letter on behalf of Russel Maphanga from A.N. Verwer

Letter to Ron, Eileen and Bernard from Phyllis Naidoo

Letter to Ron, Eileen and Bernard from Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Alan Paton to John
Letter from the Editorial Manager to Alan Paton
Letter from Leo Marquad to Alan Paton
Correspondence with Kenneth Underhill
Correspondence with Kenneth Underhill
Correspondence with Kenneth Underhill
Underhill letters: 1928-1931
Underhill letters: Under fusion 24 February 1935 to 13 August 1939
Underhill letters: war years 24 September 1939 to 6 May 1945
Letter to Rita and Cynthia from Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Rita and Cynthia

Passive Resistance in Natal 1946-8

Lack of development in the de facto Indian residential areas encouraged,
in the early 1940's, a growing nwnber of prosperous Indians to buy homes,
for both residential and investment purposes, in the predominantly European

Valliamma Moodliar (Passive Resister died 1913)

The late Miss Valiamina Moodaly
who died after serving a term of imprisonment as a
Passive Resister

Transvaal Indian Congress (TIC)

The TIC (Transvaal Indian congress) was first called the TBIA (Transvaal British Indian Association) which was founded in 1903. The organization was later named the TIC when India was no longer under British control.

Letters to Vas, Jay, Asheka and Jaya from Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Phyllis Naidoo to Jay, Vas, Asheka and Jaya


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