
Thumbnail Title Description
Track and field event

Track event at the Sastri College sports day

Track and field events

Track event at the sports day at Sastri College

Track and Field events

Track event at the sports day at Sastri College

Track and field event

Sports day parade of athletes

Track and field events

Track event at the Sastri College sports day


Track and field event

Track event at Sastri College sports day

Track and field event

Track event at the Sastri College sports day

Track and field event

Track event at the Sastri College Sports day

Track and field events

Track event at the Sastri college sports day

Track and field evnts

Teacher presenting a prize to an athlete.

Track and field events

Track event at the Sastri College sports day

Track and field event at the Sastri College sports days

Track event at the Sports Day

Track and field event

Game of soccer at the sports day at Sastri College

Trach and field events

Track race at the sports event

Track and Field events at Sastri College Sports Day

Sports day

Speech presentation at Sastri College

Past events at Sastri College

Speech presentation at Satri College

Past events at Sastri College

Speech at Sastri College

This was the first Indian high school and teachers training college built in South Africa

Speech Day

Sastri College event

Speech Day

Speech at a Sastri College event


38371 records found.