Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
United Democratic Front affiliates called upon to intensify campaign to unban the African National Congress

United Democratic Front affiliates called upon to intensify campaign to unban the African National Congress.

United Democratic Front protests banning

Press statement regarding the United Democratic Front protesting the banning and restricting of activities of their open and peaceful organisations.

United Democratic Movement newspaper cuttings
United Front to End Apartheid: The Road to Mass Action in SA
University of the Western Cape, Special Graduation Ceremony, 25 October 1991

Programme for Oliver Tambo's honorary degree ceremony at the University of the Western Cape, 15 October 1991. Includes the words of the South African national anthem

Ushering in democracy, with tolerance
Votela i-ANC (article written in Zulu language)
Walter Sisulu
Warning: what is behind the ANC`s call for a Constituent Assembly?
We are at war!

ANC illustrated booklet in five languages on the history of the liberation struggle, apartheid and the ANC.

We shall win

An address, representing a joint statement by ANC, ZAPU, SWAPO, PAIGC, MPLA, to the Fifth Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organisation for African Unity (OAU) held in Algiers from 13 to 16 September 1968,

Welcome home to Harry Gwala
Western Cape Region - Regional Conference: Problems and challenges of the Western Cape

Report by Reg September on the problems and challenges of the Western Cape, presented to the African National Congress Western Cape Region Conference, 29 and 30 September, 1990. Covers history of the ANC in the Western Cape Region.

What does the west want for SA?: revolution or peaceful change?
What has federation really meant to the people?: Partnership or self-rule in Central Africa
What I have known of him on the island: a 70th Birthday tribute to Nelson Mandela
What is a nation

Discussion paper examining the term 'nation' and asking whether South Africa can be seen as a nation. Includes separate section on Language

What kind of ANC does the SACP want?
Where do we go from here?


1271 records found.