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Statement by the African National Congress of South Africa on the invasion of Angola by South African troops

Statement by the ANC on the invasion of Angola by South Africa. Signed by Oliver Tambo.

Statement by Terror Lekota

Statement by the United Democratic Front announcing that Comrade Nelson Mandela visit to Qwaqwa has been unilaterally cancelled by Chief Minister Mopeli and his cabinet.


Statement by Alfred Nzo, Secretary General of the ANC National Executive Committee, on the current situation in South Africa.

State of organisation and the way forward

Paper by John Motshabi on the state of the African National Congress and the way forward. Covers military strategy, enemy infiltration, programme of action, democratic participation, negotiations and seizure of power, building a revolutionary army, cadre policy.

State in a bid to link Alex 5 with "total onslaught"
State espionage and the ANC London office
Speech of Deputy President Thabo Mbeki, at the National Assembly During the Debate on Budget Vote No. 2
Speech by Comrade Walter Sisulu at the National Welcome Back Rally

Text of speech by Walter Sisulu made at the National Welcome Back Rally in Johannesburg, 29 October 1989.

Speech at the African National Congress welcome rally

Speech delivered by the General Secretary at the African National Congress welcome rally in Cape Town, when the ANC welcomes the changing situation within South Africa, the release of the leaders, the unbanning of the African National Congress and other organisations.

Sparg sets out ANC policy on violence
South African Women's Day

At a rally in Johannesburg on South African Women’s Day organised by the Federation of South African Women

South African women unite for a non-sexist post-apartheid South Africa
South African Political Newspaper articles - African National Congress - 1998-1999
South African Indian Congress Conference held in Durban on the 17th, 18th and 19th September 1948

This Eighteenth session of the South African Indian Congress meets only a few months after the holding of the General.....

South African and Western Initiatives

Notes on Southern African and Western initiatives. Covers United Kingdom interest in South Africa and the attitude of the UK towards the ANC, the views of the United States and the UK on negotiations, and a meeting between Pik Botha and Mrs Margaret Thatcher.

South Africa's struggle for democracy
South Africa Report

Handwritten report from an underground operative on discussions with the South African Institute of Race Relations, Unions and detainees about protests, stay-aways, strikes and marches. Also covers the Black Consciousness Movement, Buthelezi, and detentions.

South Africa After Mandela
South Africa - towards a post-apartheid economy: a Consultative Seminar, Holiday Inn, Harare, 28 April - 1 May 1990

Programme of seminar organised by the ANC Department of Economics and Planning, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the Economic Trends Group in Harare, 28 April to 1 May 1990. Includes list of participants and papers to be presented.

South Africa - The Rainbow Nation and Prospects for Consolidating Democracy



1271 records found.