
Thumbnail Title Description
Voice of Gandhi

Brute, force has been the ruling factor in the world for thousands of years, and mankind has been reaping its bitter harvest all along, as he who runs may read. There is little hope of anything good coming out of it in the future.

Letter from Connie to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Connie to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo.

Sandy Jacobson Press Article: Unsung heroine of the struggle

Sandy Jacobson (40), who was brutally assaulted and murdered over the weekend and found locked in the boot of her car on Monday, was my cousin.

Letter from Monroe to Phyllis Naidoo

I had never heard of Flip Benham before Saturday September 20, 1997 . In fact, I did not know who it was who was in my face speaking to me that Saturday. Saturday was my monthly turn as a volunteer escort at a women's clinic in Asheville, NC where among other services abortions are performed.

E-mail from Ron Gray to Phyllis Naidoo

The following is, I think, as good an analysis of the recent events in Kosovo that you are likely to get anywhere.

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