Thumbnail Title Description
Wood carving of floods, I987 Inanda reserve Umsinyathi river

Wood carving of floors 1987, Inanda Reserve Umsinyathi river

Wooden sculpture "Zulu transport"

Wooden sculpture "Zulu transport"

Wooden sculpture

Wooden sculpture by Philemon Sangweni

Wood carving depicting sangoma

Wood carving depicting sangoma

"The destruction of Magudu's kraal"

"The destruction of Magudu's kraal"

"The better the healing touch"

"The better the healing touch"

"Ritual dance"

"Ritual Dance"

"Death of King"

"Death of king"





Induna addressing crowd. Cattle and huts behind

Induna addressing crowd. Cattle and huts behind

"The birthday celebration"

"The birthday celebration"


"Amandla" Power

Self portrait

Self portrait 

Our Mother

Our mother

Two cyclists

Two cyclists

"Centre of a big city

Centre of a big city



"The door"

"The door"



918 records found.