Eastern Cape

Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Celia to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Celia to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letters between Bernhard and Phyllis Naidoo.

Letters between Bernhard and Phyllis Naidoo.

Bird's view of Graaf-Reinet

Bird's view of Graaf-Reinet

The nine new regions of South Africa
Containing the Chiefs: The ANC and Traditional Leaders in the Eastern Cape

Traditional leadership in our country has lived for centuries and will continue to do so. It is our pride as the people of South Africa, and a tradition that cannot be divorced from us ...

Letter from Betzy to Phyllis Naidoo

Hello! It has been such a long time since I 've seen you - but I've thought of you so often.

Female initiation, Tshezi people, Eastern Cape

Female initiation, Tshezi people, Eastern Cape

Male initiation hut, Tshezi people, Eastern Cape

Male initiation hut, Tshezi people, Eastern Cape

Widow's weeds, Tsheziland, Eastern Cape

Widow's weeds, Tsheziland, Eastern Cape

Divine dance, Thutsha clan ritual, Tsheziland, Eastern Cape

Divine dance, Thutsha clan ritual, Tsheziland, Eastern Cape

10 records found.