
Thumbnail Title Description
Progressive Indian farmers
The growth and development of the sugarcane plant


ANC-KwaZulu/Natal: Let Us Develop Rural Communities
Memorandum submitted by the Natal Indian Congress to JC Smuts

Natal Indian Congress memorandum

Memorandum Submitted by the N.I.C. - 8 to 10 Feb 1946

N.I.C. documents

Enterprise and Exploitation in a Victorian Colony: Aspects of the Economic and Social History of Colonial Natal

This pioneer economic and social history brings together specialized research in the form of twelve essays dealing with closely intermeshed themes: harbour and railway development, the ecology of Natal, ruthless exploitation of its human and natural resources, and the consequences of Indian immig

Ox Cart

Ox and Cart

Maize Mill Grinder

Machinery in the mills

Residents of Cato Manor

Old man in a Banana Plantation

The Indians in South Africa

South Africa herself belongs rightly to the West. It was from the countries of Europe that her early settlers came, yet it is significant that she first attracted public attention as a possible half-way house between East and West.

The Indian Trader

The Indian trader made his appearance shortly after the arrival ofthe Indentured Indian. This pattern is evident wherever the Indentured Indian set foot, be it Mauritius, Trinidad, British Guiana or any of the British colonies.

Articles from the farmer A.D. Home Companion

Articles from the farmer A.D. Home Companion

Indian Market

Hawkers in the Indian market

Our Chapel isn't big enough
Ostrich faming

Ostrich faming in the Eastern Province 

Letter from M.D. to Dade

My Dear Dade,


36 records found.