Inanda Seminary (Inanda)

Thumbnail Title Description
Inanda Seminary; missioners and their families

Inanda Seminary; missioners and their families

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary; teaching cooking under difficult conditions. No stove but a hole in the ground; no table but some pieces of corrugated irons; an occasional shower to add variety. The results were good too.

Inanda Seminary;Staff and childen

Inanda Seminary; staff and children 

Inanda Seminary; staff with motor bikes and motor vehicles

Inanda Seminary; staff with motor bikes and motor vehicles

Inanda Seminary; staff with motor bike and motor vehicles

Inanda Seminary; staff with motor bike and motor vehicles

Inanda Seminary; staff playing volleyball

Inanda Seminary; staff playing volleyball

Inanda Seminary; staff

Inanda Seminary staff 

Inanda Seminary; staff

Inanda Seminary; staff

Inanda Seminary; staff (second from right, John Langalibalele Dube)

Inanda Seminary; staff (second from right "John Langalibalele Dube")

Inanda Seminary ; school wagon/ car

Inanda Seminary; school wagon/ car

Inanda Seminary; Stanwood Cottage, 1910

Inanda Seminary; Stanwood Cottage, 1910

Inanda Seminary; Staff

Inanda Seminary; staff

Inanda Seminary;drum majorettes

Inanda Seminary;drum majorettes 

Inanda Seminary; pupils studying 

Inanda Seminary; pupils studying 

Inanda Seminary; pupils in the classroom

Inanda Seminary; pupils in the classroom

Inanda Seminary; pupils writing

Inanda Seminary; pupils writing

Inanda Seminary;  church

Inanda Seminary;  church

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary; classroom

Inanda Seminary; classroom

Inanda Seminary

Inanda Seminary


131 records found.