Thumbnail Title Description
Sewpersahd Ramesar Beharee

SRB commenced his schooling at St Paul's Government Aided School and matricuated from Woodlands High......

A Youthful Struggle For Independence, 1924-1949

I was born on the 28 March 1924 in a little wood and iron house lying under the shade of. a huge Coedmore Road in Bellair The tree is still there.......

A New History of India

This reorganization legitimized the new constituencies of Gandhi's following and assured Congress continuing grass-roots national support. The support of Congress for its British Committee was now discontinued, thus finally cutting the silver cord of dependence on London.

Natal Indian Teachers Centenary educational tour

THE projected tour on the part of a group of Indian teachers from Natal to India, scheduled to commence in a few days time, is the first organised event of its kind in our history. The tour has been planned........

Biography of Avasthi Family, Aswathi Kalideen

There is considerable literature on "Indians in South Africa." The conditions of service, the promises made but not kept, the ill - treatment.......

Gandhi in South Africa: An Interpretation

It is surely something of a paradox to begin a series of seminars on "Lives of South African Philosophers" by discussing a historical figure who was neither South African nor, at least in the strict sense, a philosopher. But I want to argue that M. K.

Gandhi Centenary commemorative supplement

For the last twelve months various organisati<ms and State governments in different parts of the world have been engaged in a' variety of activities to mark

India And Tilak - Gandhi Nehru

It is an undeniable fact that India is a country that has absorbed so many different races. And she has successfully been able to ste to it, thanks to
her aecularism, that every race he treated with equal
dignity and respect.

Tribute to Gandhi 100 years souvenier brochure

The South African context is a dynamic one, and at times it seems hard to imagine what sort of future lies ahead. Yet inspite of all this confusion the philosophies of the Mahatma shine through.......

Gandhi in South Africa 1893-1914

MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI, who was born at Porbandar (Sudamapuri) in India on 2 October 1869, qualified as a barrister in England· in 1891. Two years later his professional services were engaged by Abdul Karim Jhaveri, a Durban trader, in a £40,000 lawsuit against a rival firm in Pretoria.

Gandhi in South Africa

Serious bio•raphical research on Mohandas K, Gandhi remains in, a fairly primitive condition. Louis Fischer's.........

Gandhi and Indians in South Africa

THE battle to abolish the law barring Indians from living in the Free State - an issue which became a heated one in Parliament........


Mixed articles on Gandhi 1946

Opening of Imperial Parliament ......................

Nehru and Gandhi Bandung conference 1955

ASIAN and African nations this week commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1955 Bandung conference....

Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust Conference on "The Challen g es of the Twent y- first Centur y " Sub : Economic Organisation, Entrepreneurship and State Mediation

Indira Gandhi memorial conference - New Dehli 1991




Indian and foreign review




Letter from Gandhi to Lord Ampthill

Gandhi letters in South Africa 1902 - 1928

Bibliography: Mahatma Gandhi
ADDRESS DELIVERED BY SIR SHAFA.AT AHMAD KHAN, AT THE Opening oF the Natal Regional Conference Convened by THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS HELD AT Pietermaritzburg, July 31st 1943.

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen., I am deeply grateful to the Institute of Race Relations for the honour they have conferred upon me by asking me to addres this distinguished gathering....

Letter from Prova Borges to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Prova Borges to Phyllis Naidoo.


163 records found.