Indian community

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Report on Durban Housing

Further to my letter of the 22nd September, I have now completed a summary of my Report of Durban Housing.....

Correspondence between Mr A I Kajee and City of Durban

Representation on Indian Affairs Advisory Sub-Committee....

Extracts from the Minutes of the City Council meeting

As is already known to the City Council, the Natal Indian Judicial Commission has been appointed by the Union Government with the following terms of reference:

Preliminary Statement to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

We the officials of the Natal Indian Congress an organization representing the Indian Community of Natal beg to submit this.....

Copy Evidence submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission by Pastor J T Duplessis Missionary to the Indians of Natal under the Auspices of the Apostolic Faith Mission of S.A.

The views expressed in this Memorandum need not necessarily be subscribed to by the Executive Council of the Apostolic Faith Mission.. They are the personal views and convictions of the Missionary_

Preliminary statement submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

We, the officials of the Natal Indian Congress an organization representing the Indian Community of Natal beg to submit this our preliminary statement on the subject matters of your Enquiry....

Memorandum presented by the Stanger and District Branch

Re: Natal Indian Judicial Commission.

We enclose herewith copy of Memorandum presented to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission by our Branch of Congress

Department of Post, Telegraphs, Interior and Public Health

His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased in terms of section two of Act No. 22 of 1936.....

F N Broome. Esq, K.C., M.C. Chairman - Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Sir, At a meeting of the Commission held on the 3rd November 1944 the Indian situation as it had then developed was discussed by the Commission.....

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Natal Indian Judicial Commission - Memoranda.......

Tongaat and District Branch. Statement presented to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

We thank you for the opportunity to place before you this statement from Tongaat and Districts Branch of the Natal Indian Congress....

Minutes of Proceedings of Twentieth Public Setting

Your branch has furnished the Commission with a memorandum which we have read. It will not be necessary for you to repeat anything that is contained in that memorandum.....

Commission of Enquiry into matters affecting the Indian population of the Province of Natal

The Commission has come to the conclusion that a situation has arisen in regard to Indian affairs in Natal which renders it desirable that it should present this Interim Report.That situation is described in Chapter II, and the events ,which led up to it are there set out.


Interview with the Hon. The Minister of the Interior. At 10.30 am the Council-in Committee received the Hon.....

Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

This Draft Ordinance is designed to exercise control over the occupation of residential properties throughout the Province of Natal and for this purpose there will be set up a Licensing Board comprising two Europeans and two Indian members under the chairmanship of a third European who will be a

India and South Africa Press cuttings

Newspaper cuttings on India and  SA relations

Correspondence between the government of India and the government of the Union of South Africa regarding the position of Indians in South Africa

We have the honour to address you regarding position of Indian community in South Africa. During last four years it bas frequently formed subject of representations on our part both in its general aspect and with reference to particular measures such Durban and Natal Land....

Message to the South African Community from the Leaders of India

Mr. Sorabjee Rustomjee, Leader of the South Ahican Indian Congress Delegation to India, brings the follOwing messages from the Leaders in India to the South African Indian community.

Report of the Indian Enquiry Commission

We, the Commissioners appointed by Your Excellency to hold a public judicial Enquiry into the disturbances in connection with the recent strike of Indians in Natal, the causes and circumstances which led to that strike and to those disturbances, the amount of force used in the suppression of the

Correspondence relating to the Immigrants Regulations Act and other matters Affecting Asiatics in South Africa

This mass meeting of the Indian community, convened under the auspices of the Natal Indian Congress, hereby place on record its disapprobation of the Immigrants Regulation Act recently confirmed by His Excellency the Governor-General of the Union, and since the said Act deprives the domiciled Ind


466 records found.