Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
Declaration of the African National Congress (SA) Executive Committee, Morogoro, 17 - 20 March 1975

Declaration of the ANC National Executive Committee in Morogoro, 17-20 March 1975. Calls for the mobilisation of all forces in Africa and world-wide against apartheid.

Dakar: ANC and Afrikaners in dialogue
Closing remarks by Deputy Secretary Eagleburger, Saturday 19 March 1983

Closing remarks from a meeting between a South African delegation and a United States delegation, led by Deputy Secretary Eagleburger, emphasising the importance of talks between the two countries as the beginning of a process to support the peace process in southern Africa and their relationship

Circular on the London office

The External Affairs Office of the Black Peoples Convention was set up by a resolution to handle foreign public relations and programmes for the welfare of refugee members. This is a circular from the London office.

Call for sanctions against South Africa:Address to the International Conference against Sanctions, Paris, May 21, 1981

Paper presented by Oliver Thambo at the International Conference of Sanctions against South Africa, held in Paris on May 21, 1981. It covers the purpose of sanctions, and an appeal by ANC.

Britain and South Africa
Britain and South Africa
Britain and Africa

What are the aims of the new Africa, and how far does Britain share these aims?.

Botha learns from Chilean dictators
Boekresensie (Article written in Afrikaans)
Besoek van Mnr Clark aan Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika: 10-13 Junie 1981

Report, signed by Minister R F Botha and written mostly in Afrikaans, of the visit of Mr W P Clark of the United States of America, to South Africa and South West Africa.

Azapo's diplomatic offensive
At the receiving end

Britain's South Africa policy.

At the Otsego County Fair

Informal survey in the USA about the future of South Africa.

Apartheid terror: how Pretoria wages war on Africa
ANC statement at Lisbon Conference

Statement of the African National Congress at a 1977 conference of the African Liberation Movement. Statement covers the South African liberation movement and the nature of the South African struggle.

American Policy Towards South Africa: An Agenda Beyond Constructive Engagement
American dialogue


217 records found.