Thumbnail Title Description
Jazz epistle

Jazz music and musicians.

The Duke's men

Studies by a South African artist of the Duke Ellington concert tour of Britain.

Jazz epistle-2

The "freedom" jazz movement.

Jazz epistle

Looking at the lack of development of jazz music in South Africa.

"Not enough night"

Negritude's evasive ethos.

"We of Africa"

Unlike Easterners who are given to meditation or Westerners who have an inquisitive turn of mind we of Africa, belonging neither to the East or to the West, are fundamentally observers, penetrating observers, relying more on intuition than on the process of reasoning.

The meaning of the "Freedom now suite"

One of America's jazz musicians who had long been strongly involved emotionally in the movements for integration in America and national autonomy in Africa was Max Roach.

A new "thing" out of Africa

Jazz in Africa

Theoria: a journal of studies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences No.5 1953
Chapter fifteen: Arts and entertainment
Chapter twelve: Arts and entertainment
Chapter thirteen: Arts and entertainment
Face to face with Bob Mabena
Yvonne Chaka Chaka: Princess of Africa
Taxi talk: filthy sounds
Breaking an ancient taboo
Women make the music
Swinging in the slums
Johnny Dyani: a portrait
Interview: Kingforce Silgee


343 records found.