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Letter from Barney Pityana to Barry Streek

The letter discusses the issue of SASO/NUSAS representation at the Commonwealth Students' Conference in the context of representation of the two organisations at foreign/overseas meetings

Letter from Barney Pityana to Neville Curtis

Letter from Barney Pityana (President, SASO) to Neville Curtis (NUSAS) regarding NUSAS and SASO relations.

Letter from Basil Lenkoe, SASM, to NUSAS General Secretary

A handwritten letter from Basil Lenkoe, SASM, to NUSAS General Secretary, written 25 March 25 l974, requesting funds. Proposals for projects, statement of objectives of SASM, and a budget are included.

Letter from Neville Curtis to Barney Pityana

Letter from Neville Curtis to Barney Pityana (SASO) regarding relations between NUSAS and SASO

Letter from Neville Curtis to Geoff Budlender

The letter is a request for Geoff Budlender to contact Barney Pityana

Letter from Neville Curtis to Steve Biko

The letter is an exchange of thoughts on the activities of both organisations and a discussion on possible co-operation between NUSAS and SASO.

Letter from Paul Pretorius (NUSAS) to Temba Sono (SASO)

The letter from Paul Pretorius (NUSAS) is a response to a letter from Themba Sono (SASO) about restricting interaction and cooperation with NUSAS.

Letter from Paul Pretorius (NUSAS) to Temba Sono (SASO)

This letter from Temba Sono (SASO) to Paul Pretorius (NUSAS) continues the correspondence about interaction and cooperation between the two student organisations

Letter from Steve Biko to Colin Collins, regarding arrangements for a SASO and UCM Conference.

The letter, including a handwritten postscript, provides details of transport arrangements for a South African Students Organisation (SASO) and a United Christian Movement (UCM) Conference.

Letter from Steve Biko to Neville [Curtis]

The letter queries the Preident of NUSAS on possible changes in the structure of NUSAS organisation.

Letter from Steve [Biko] to Neville [Curtis], Nov 28,1969.

Letter written to Neville Curtis student leader of NUSAS regarding the forthcoming restructuring of NUSAS.

Letter from Temba Sono (SASO) to Paul Pretorius (NUSAS)

The letter to Paul Pretorius (NUSAS) indicates SASO's intention to restrict interaction and cooperation with NUSAS.

Letter from the Secretary of SASO to the President of NUSAS

The letter contains a notification of a resolution passed at the SASO Conference held in Durban on 4 to 10 July 1970 which effectively withdraws SASO's recognition of NUSAS as a true national student union.

A brief history of student action in South Africa

Report on brief history of student action in South Africa

A Democrat among the Republicans

Article about Robert Kennedy's visit to South Africa and the anticipated consequences of his visit


Abasebenzi, published by the Wages Commission, Student's Representative Council at the University of Cape Town, aimed to create awareness by informing workers in the Western Cape (mainly Cape Town) of the importance of worker unity, organisation and representation in order to protect their intere

Action against students and intimidation of students

Appendix C to the President's Report at the 45th Annual Congress of the National Union of South African Students, University of Cape Town, 6th-14th July, 1969.

Action for democracy: 1986 NUSAS theme publication
Address on the role and future of NUSAS

Address given by John Daniel at a National Union of South African seminar on the future of the Union. Includes analysis of the student scene in South Africa and an assessment of the current position of the National Union of South African Students.

Address on the Sixth National Day of Affirmation and Human Freedom in the Great Hall, University of the Witwatersrand. Thursday, 6th June, 1968

Address by Dr Alan Paton on the Sixth National Day of Affirmation and Human Freedom in the Great Hall, University of the Witwatersrand. Thursday, 6th June, 1968.


166 records found.