Pegging Act

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Memorandum submitted to the Selected Committee on the Occupation Control

Subject to the acceptance of the submission put forward in this memorandum, the Durban City Council welcomes  the proposal that the....

Memorandum submitted to JC Smuts

N.I.C. memorandum

Memorandum submitted by the NIC to JC Smuts no. 23 and 26 1944
Memorandum submitted by the Natal Indian Congress to JC Smuts

Natal Indian Congress memorandum

Memorandum re Indian Penetration and Deputation to his Honour the Administrator and members of the Natal Provincial Executive

The are attached hereto copies of the following document -

a) Report of Natal Municipal Executive to Natal Municipal Association Conference......

Memorandum on the subject of the proposed Amendment to section 11 of the housing Act for Powers of Expropriation
Memorandum on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

This Delegation is from the Durban Joint Wards Committee,  which said Committee comprises representatives from each of the Municipal Wards and Burgesses Associations of the City of Durban, and was specially appointed to deal with the Natal Indian Problem. Its objects are:


The Corporation of the City of Durban....

Memorandum for General Purpose Committee. Interview ith Prime Minister re: Draft Occupation Control

The Council on 9th July 1944 appointed a deputation to wait on the Right Hon. the Prime Minister for the purpose of enabling the views of the.....

Memorandum for Council-In-Committee. Draft Residential Property Regulation Ordinance

The attached memorandum covering a copy of the Draft Residential Regulation Ordinance No. 20/1944 and the amendments thereto as suggested by the Executive Committee....

Memorandum - Indian Penetrations : More facts
Memorandum - Indian Penetration and Trading

The following is a copy of a letter dated 26th September 1959 received from the Executors in the Estate

Memo for General Purposes Committee. Indian Penetration into European Areas

In 1933 the Town Council applied for the following powers for the Borough of Durban by a draft Ordinance which:

Meeting of the Durban General Council of the Dominion Party

At a Meeting of the Durban General Council of the Dominion Party held in Durban on Friday afternoon last the following resolution was passed.....

Letter to W T Walker Hon. Secretary of the Natal Municipal Association

Dear Sir, Areas for European Occupation Only

I beg to refer to your circular letter on the above subject....

Letter to the Mayor of Durban, Mr R Ellis Brown

That having regard to -

The statement as reported in the local press made by his Worship the Mayor of Durban at the meeting of the Durban City Council....

Letter to the Department of the Interior

At a meeting of my Council's Special Committee re Indian Affairs which was held a few days ago, I was directed to inform you that the members of the Committee have reason to believe that the Government's Law Advisor have expressed.....

Letter to the City Council

The President of this Association, Councilor......

Letter to Senator Clarkson

In the short time that....

Letter to J C Smut from the Natal Indian Congress


166 records found.