Thumbnail Title Description
Civil disobedience: a strategy for non-violent direct action
The struggle for land: source of power, roots of resistance
Women organise
Categories of resistance
Tracing the roots of resistance
Broadening the education base: from revolt to a search for alternatives
Interview: Hassim on APDUSA
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Somos mas - We are more
You will bite the dust!

Speech delivered by Archbishop Tutu at St Geoge's Cathedral in Cape Town at an inter-faith service convened to replace a banned protest rally to have taken place on the 13th March 1988, at the University of the Western Cape.

1987, the year of the Krimpvark, the cougar of the rooibok? presidential Address to the Black Sash National Conference held at Cape Town, 1987

Opening Address by National President Mary Burton at National Conference held at Cape Town on 12 March 1987, discussing: State of Emergency, detentions, conditions of prisons, pass laws, restoration of South African citizenship, education.

Address to the National Conference of the Black Sash held at Cape Town, 1983

Address to the National Conference of the Black Sash by Allan Boesak on the 10 March 1983, discussing: Apartheid, theology, total onslaught, police action, South African Council of Churches, Pass Laws, prisons, detentions.

Nusas Congress Speeches, 1981: A Call for democracy

Speeches concerning NUSAS Congress held on 1981, addressing issues like,the students movement in the struggle for democracy, students initiatives in Universities, Students and the broader Community and democracy at work.

No regrets
Women making history: 9 August 1956
"I have seen the rays of our new South Africa rising"
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Banning won`t stop us mass meeting vows
SASO Newsletter, 1970 - 1976

By the late 1960s many black students increasingly began to feel the frustration and disillusionment similar to that which had led to the Fort Hare SRC to disaffiliate from NUSAS in 1952.

Interview: Ruth Mompati


519 records found.