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South African Labour Bulletin - vol.25. - 2001
The future role of South African trade unions

Global events spearheaded by technological, economical and political changes have revolutionised the business environment around the world, removing....

Social Review
Must We Fight? Yes! For Our Rights
The Indian Tobacco Workers Strike of 1920 A Socio—Historical Investigation
Trade unions NUMSA MUM press cuttings
Trade unions Mixed organs press cuttings
Trade Unions General - Press Cuttings
Trade unions COSATU press cuttings
The Independent Trade Unions 1974-1984: Ten Years of the South African Labour Bulletin
Zimbabwe lessons for South Africa
A History of the African People of South Africa: From the Early Iron Age to the 1970s
Labour Party and coloured’s Press Cuttings
Indaba - together we all win
Draft resolutions submitted to the provincial conference of the Natal Indian Congress held in Durban

Darft Resolution

Daily workers demonstrate in support of striking staff from Bakers

The Durban strikes of 1958, and the subsequent formation of new trade unions, were instrumental in causing the first seams of apartheid to break apart.

1973 Durban Strikes

The Durban strikes of 1973, and the subsequent formation of new trade unions, were instrumental in causing the first seams of apartheid to break apart.

1973 Durban Strikes

The Durban strikes of 1973, and the subsequent formation of new trade unions, were instrumental in causing the first seams of apartheid to break apart.

1973 Durban Strikes

The Durban strikes of 1973, and the subsequent formation of new trade unions, were instrumental in causing the first seams of apartheid to break apart.


1018 records found.