Thumbnail Title Description
Lagos Declaration against apartheid

The World Conference for action against apartheid, organised by the United Nations, in co-operation with the Organisation of African Unity and the Federal Government of Nigeria met in Nigeria and after discussion adopted a declaration against apartheid.

Observer Delegation Report: Brazzaville Talks, 25-28 September 1988

Report on talks held in Brazzaville with regard to negotiations for the elections, logistics and other preparations for Namibian independence as well as national reconciliation and economic development.

Namibian independence talks: Meeting at the Mulungushi Conference Hall, Lusaka, 11-13 May 1984

Report on Namibian independence talks, and implementation of UN Security Council 435, held in Lusaka in May 1984.

Visit of His Excellency Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, to South West Africa/Namibia: 25-26 August 1983

Report on the visit of the Secreatry-General of the United Nations to South Africa to discuss the independence of Namibia/South West Africa.

Discussions between the Honourable Prime Minister and the Secretary General of the United Nations during a working lunch at the Castle on 23 August 1983

Report of discussions between the South African Prime Minister and the United Nations Secretary General about the independence of Namibia and the role of the United Nations

Editorial: Doing Their Damnedest
Mr. Nehru and Goa
The Report of the U.N. Committee of Experts on South Africa
South West Africa
Statement by the President of the African National Congress of South Africa,on the occasion of the launching of the international year against apartheid

Statement by Oliver R Tambo, President of the ANC, on the occasion of the launching of the International Year Against Apartheid at the United Nations Organisation in New York in 1978.

Statement of the African National Congress of South Africa to the Ad Hoc Committee on Human Rights

Statement of the ANC to the Ad Hoc Committee on Human Rights of the United Nations on how the imperialist powers opposed fundamental Human Rights resolutions regarding South Africa and other parts of Africa and requests action to be taken against member states who defy UN resolutions.

New Age Vol.8 No.30 May. 1962
Verbatim Minutes: Meeting, Cape Town, 7th April 1977

Minutes of an international meeting with the South African Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Ambassadors of Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom and United States of America to discuss the independence of Namibia by way of an internationally acceptable set

Edited Verbatim Minutes: Meeting, 8th, 9th and 10th June 1977, Cape Town

International meeting to discuss the independene of Namibia/South West Africa

Fifth Summit Conference of East and Central African States: Manifesto on Southern Africa

The Lusaka Manifesto, with a letter from the Representative of the Republic of Zambia requesting the Manifesto be circulated as an official document of the United Nations Security Council

Problems of the Congress Movement

A memorandum regarding the African National Congress position in the liberation struggle in South Africa with a call for the strengthening of inter-Congress co-operation at all levels

Letter from P W Botha, State President of the Republic of South Africa, to His Excellency Mr Kenneth D Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia

Letter from the President of South Africa to the President of Zambia informing him of the insurgence of troops from Angola into Namibia and the impact this will have on the peace process. Includes a letter from R F Botha to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Letter from Chester A Crocker to Mr Minister

Letter from Chester Crocker questioning the announcement by the Administrator-General in Namibia that SWAPO gueriillas returning to Angola will be thoroughly interrogated about their activities and knowledge of possible arms caches.

Letter from R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, to His Excellency Mr Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, New York

A letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the United Nataions Secretary-General to report the cross border insurgence by SWAPO from Angola into Namibia for the purpose of establishing bases, in contravention of signed Agreements.

Letter from R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, to Alexander M Haig

Letter from Pik Botha, Minster of Foreign Affairs, to US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig regarding the meeting of Contact Group Foreign Ministers held in Luxembourg on 17 May 1982 in relation to Southern African policy. Includes prior correspondence.


152 records found.