Wooden Spoon

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Long woden carved spoon with a flat handle from Nongoma.


Wooden carved ladle with diamond incisions on the handle. It belonged to the Mthethwa family from Endulini, Melmoth in KwaZulu- Natal.

" Ukhezo"

A medium sized wooden carved spoon. The handle has rectangular holes on it.


Long wooden carved spoon, made out of dark wood and delicately designed handle with a fancy incision in the middle. It came from Nkandla in


Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has incisions on it. It came from Nongoma in KwaZulu- Natal.


Wooden carved spoon with a long incisioned handle and a tip at the end. It came from Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal.


Medium sized wooden carved spoon, with long handle, black incisions on light brown wood from Nongoma in KwaZulu- Natal.


A medium sized wooden carved spoon. The middle part of the handle is decorated with carved- in triangles and rectangles.

" Zulu Wooden Spoon"

Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has a block in the middle. It belonged to the Mangwaneni clan from Estcourt in KwaZulu-Natal.


Large wooden carved spoon with incisions on the handle.

" Ukhezo"

Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has incisions in the middle and a pointy tip.

" Ukhezo"

Large wooden  carved spoon/ ladle known as Isixwembe in isiZulu. It has incisions in the middle of the handle.


wooden carved round spoon with an incisioned handle.


Long dark,  wooden carved spoon with incisions on the handle a nd a sharpened tip.


Long wooden carved spoon with incisions on the handle and a pointy tip.


Wooden carved spoon  with a medium sized handle that ha triangular incisions at the tip.It came from Nkandla in KwaZulu- Natal.


Wooden carved spoon with a long handle, from Nkandla in KwaZulu- Natal.


Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has a sharp tip.


Delicately wooden carved round spoon/ sieve. The handle is crafted in a European style and engravings around it, with holes in the middle and end. It came from Nongoma inKwaZulu- Natal.


Wooden carved spoon in a delicate design with a spilt handle, triangular incisions and a sharp tip. It came from Nkandla in KwaZulu- Natal.


37 records found.