
Thumbnail Title Description
Sculpture carved in jacaranda wood

Sculpture carved in jacaranda wood

Ndaleni Art School: School for African art teachers, 5 December 1974

Ndaleni Art School: School for African art teachers, 5 December 1974

Ndaleni Art School : School for African Art Teachers, 5 December 1974

Ndaleni Art School : School for African Art Teachers, 5 December 1974

Comrades marathon runner, Zwelitsha Gono

Comrades marathon runner, Zwelitsha Gono

Ghost runner in comrades

Ghost runner in comrades

Art sale at Ndaleni

Art sale at Ndaleni

Art exhibition to be held

Art exhibition to be held

Pre-historic animal in the grounds of the school (dinosaur)

Pre-historic animal in the grounds of the school 

A monster in the garden.

A monster in the garden. One of the concrete statues in the garden of the Ndaleni School at Richmond. Mr. C Lancester, instructor (left) with three of the students, Mr. Stanley Msane, a Swazi from Durban, Mr. Ignatius Magagula, a Swazi from Swaziland, and Mr.

The Ndaleni Art School, preparation for the exhibition, 16 November 1973

The Ndaleni Art School, preparation for the exhibition, 16 November 1973

The Liberal Party
The Liberal Party of South Africa
The Liberal Party: A Chronology with Comment
The Liberal Party of South Africa
Appendix: A landowner, three lawyers and a liberal
Sounds of Silence: The Rule of Law in relation to the Banning system under the Suppression of Communism Act, No 44 of 1950 as amended
Roy and Charmaine performing the Wall of Death
Benny Baker lion tamer
Mistress and African Maid and Master and Servants Acts: Contract of Service
Molvi Salojee - Transvaal Indian Congress. Passive Resistance - 1946


999 records found.