
Thumbnail Title Description
Strategic perspective

Unauthored paper on strategy and tactics in the context of negotiations. Includes the goals and immediate objectives of the National Liberation Struggle.

Body and procedures for drafting a new constitution

Proposal of the African National Congress to CODESA Working Group 2 on a body and procedures for drafting a new constitution. Suggests ways in which a democratic, all-inclusive Constitution-making body would be formed.

Constituent Assembly and Interim Government

Paper prepared by the African National Congress Department of Political Education, on defining a constitution, what kind of constitution the ANC would like to see in South Africa, how it could be achieved and defining and discussing an interim government.

Alliance paper: the alliance in the Western Cape

Assessment on the alliance in the Western Cape between the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions.

Discussion Paper on the transformation of the United Democratic Front

Discussion Paper on the transformation of the United Democratic Front and the future of UDF.

Sanctions: the "joker" in the pack

Discussion paper for the ANC Zimbabwe seminar. Examines the question of whether to continue with sanctions.

MK and the future

Paper discussing the role of Umkhonto We Sizwe and its future, the SADF, and the relationship between Umkhonto We Sizwe and the South African Defence Force

Regional Conference: Regional Structures Commission

Discussion Paper by the ANC on Regional Structures prepared on the mandate of the planning committee of the Regional Conference, for circulation to the branches.

Extended Working Committee

Article containing an agenda of the United Democratic Front extended working committee.

Brits crisis

Briefing article on Brits crisis where there were allegations of corruption, some people were arrested after people were killed. They could not figure out what is the cause of the violence.

South Africa: the Party faithful


ANC Youth League in the 1990s

Paper following discussion between South African Youth Congress and the African National Congress Youth Section Secretariat regarding launching the youth league and formulating a Provisional Constitution of the ANC Youth League.

Theses on the current situation

Article about the current South African political situation. Covers government strategies, the character and implications of the ANC's strategic gains, the place and role of released ANC leaders, and the issue of dual power.

New technologies and industrial restructuring in South Africa

Paper prepared for a seminar on economic policy organised by the ANC Department of Economics and Planning, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the Economic Trends Group in Harare, 28 April to 1 May 1990.

The Front debate

A compilation of articles discussing the issue of Mayibuye and the future of the United Democratic Front.

South Africa's working class: a pillar of the revolution

Paper by Jack Simons on South Africa's working class presented by Ray Simons to the ANC in-house seminar on Constitutional Guidelines in a democratic South Africa, 1-4 March, 1988. Presents history of the workers's; struggle.

Non-Central Government structures in South Africa today

Paper presented by Penuell M. Maduna for discussion at the African National Congress in-house seminar on Constitutional Guidelines for a future democratic South Africa, 1-4 March 1988 in Lusaka.

Politics and the armed struggle: the revolutionary army

Paper delivered by Ronnie Kasrils on Umkhonto we Sizwe. Outlines the army's basic positions and the consequences and tasks which flow from them.

Politics and the army

Paper delivered by Steve Tshwete to the African National Congress Department of Political Education Workshop in Lusaka, 23-28 February, 1988. Outlines the role of Umkhonto we Sizwe.

Constitutional guideline for a democratic South Africa

Draft of Constitutional guideline for a democratic South Africa from the African National Congress Constitutional Committee.


1030 records found.